Fundo escuro com tronco de árvore, mulher branca, cabelos dread compridos castanho, semblante neutro, olhando diretamente para a câmera, na testa um desenho tribal na cor laranja, colares compridos, jaqueta clara, cropped preto, calça vermelha usada bem baixa, com toda a barriga à mostra

The biggest mark social media has left in me today was anxiety. Anxiety, yes, wow, I wasn’t an anxious person, I was chill, and then it was only to start that – I’m not sure if it was just that, many things, right? It increased my anxiety, but oof, too much social media, because it’s information the whole time, right? Information, information and then you’re watching people’s lives all the time and then you start wanting to have things you don’t, and then, wow, it’s crazy.