“Grandma, do you have a scarf for e to wear it as a turban?” – and she’s like: “I do, here, wear it, I’ll give it to you”. And then she gave it to me. Then she found it the most beautiful thing, she’s like: “In my day we didn’t have that, it was straightening our hair and that was it, I think you hair is beautiful” , but she hates it when I simply wear it down, she says “wear your hair do” and I’m like “I’m gonna do it but it’s too much trouble to get it done, I wear it down…I can wear it down the whole week and it’s no trouble at all.”, then they just say that, but think it’s beautiful. My mom like, at the beginning she was a bit against it because it was gonna be a bit of trouble but then she saw I could manage it, that I wouldn’t have that much work as everyone says: “Ah you use up the whole tub of conditioner!” … guys my hair is curly and afro, I might as well get just a handful of conditioner, and spread it on right here, I like it frizzy, really, I just have to work it on the front bit so that I can see the rest of the world, just that.“