
Fundo escuro, mulher parda, cabelo curto crespo, semblante neutro, vestindo blusa rosa com um nó na cintura, calça jeans. Brinco pingente dourado e correntinha fina dourada no pescoço.  Segura com uma das mãos um galho de árvore com folhas verdes. Olha diretamente para a câmera. Abaixo - imagem pixelada em video dessa mesma cena. E posteriormente, vídeo com acessibilidade em libras.

“Oh, I know more of friends, right (muffled) because I know a lot of friends that go through exactly the same things as I do because your parents are not your friends, you get it? You don’t talk much. So the person is there, they’re not close to their mother (…) you’re not close, you don’t have room to talk about some things with her, then you’re afraid, you think a million things before you open your mouth. Then I think parents should be your real friends you know? And make it clear that their kid can just come to them and say whatever, you get it? Because parents these days, wow…it’s complicated, they are too strict, they raise their child to themselves, you see?