
I was born in 1970 in Belo Horizonte, and I have a bachelor’s degree in Communication from PUC – MG. I started as a photographer in 1983, and since then, I’ve had photography as my trade and form of expression, connecting myself through the affective forces, the movement they provoke and how it talks to the issues and tensions of contemporary life.

I match diverse artistic practices, mixing photography, video, writing and sound art.

Since an early age I’ve been interested in observing the world and History through the woman’s perspective. My work has had this feminine bias for over 30 years.

I’m not a voyeur and I’m not interested in simply casting my views onto people. I search for the encounter, for the network of interactions and affections it generates. The image, for me, is always a construction together with the person being photographed. I listen to their stories, their most intimate pains, and desires. That is only possible within the space of familiarity. That is the space that actually interests me.

Some of my work:

  • Book “Memorabília da Casa do Azevedo”,(“Memorabilia from Azevedo’s House”) approaching memory and the invention of new meanings from the creation of images. (XIII Funarte Marc Ferrez Photography Award)
  • “Caça às Palavras”(“Wordsearch”), about (invisible)discourses of violence Against women and their marks. (final runner at Nuvens de Escuta Festival – FestFoto Poa 2021)
  • “Morto após tiro” (“ Dead after shooting”) about the layers of violence in our Society – Minas Arte em Casa – Mulher no Plural Múltiplas Perspectivas (ALMG) 2021
  • “Em Bolhas” (“Inside bubbles”) about social bubbles and the transcendence os the language exponent “bubble” after the Covid-19 pandemic 

(Fotodemic NY/USA / Por Dentro de um Tempo Suspenso/ Recolhimento – Festival Foto em Pauta/ Memorial da América Latina – Uma janela para América Latina) 2020

  • Elogio à amizade (“ Na Eulogy to friendship”) – video (a group of friends who have gone to school together their whole lives move apart to high school in the end of 2018.) 2018
  • Parentagem (“Parenthood”) (art installation with Beatriz Magalhães) – 2018
  • Hebraico – D’s Oriente um País , (“ Hebrew: D’s-Orienting a country”) with singers Marina Machado e Regina Souza, text by Moacyr Scliar (1994 a 1998) concert and cd
  • 5 Mulheres e D’s Oriente um País (5 Women and D’s-Orienting a country– Haifa Cinematheque/ Israel (1993)

Tela fundo branco 
No canto superior à direita está escrito Sobre + Galeria Inicio

Foto preto e branco. Fundo escuro, plano americano, mulher branca, cabelos presos por uma faixa, regata preta com uma camisa clara por cima, rosto em perfil com semblante neutro, pequeno brinco na orelha que está a mostra.