
So, I think people have to try and burst their bubbles, that comfort bubble, and try to know about other bodies that suffer a lot, a black body, the body of a black woman, a fat body, a trans body, you know? Seek out for information, because if we just stay inside our bubbles nothing will change.

(How was it?)

So, it was because I had to talk, right?

(And did you talk?)

I did, yeah, I said “I won’t take this” I’ve never accepted disrespect from anyone, let alone a figure of authority at school. I said: “So, you’re not gonna change your behavior?” and nobody changed, so I had to come with a letter, had to come with a  letter saying…it’s, it’s a letter you get online, that people have to respect your social name. I had to come with this letter for them to respect me.

((And how old were you?)

Oh, I was…16,17…no, 16 I think because at 17 I changed schools. Wow, when I went to Estadual Central everything was much better

 Usually when you go to a private school you find other people standards, white people standards, straight people standards, wealthy people standards

People who are not gonna suffer out there for being who they are, you see?