
I…found myself… I’m bi but my mom doesn’t know I’m bi

Três vídeos pixelados de uma mulher com baixa resolução. Logo abaixo o vídeo com acessibilidade em Libras. Fundo branco, mulher branca, blusa preta, cabelo amarrado, sinalizando.

But my mom is a homophobic, I hear a lot at home…a lot.

it’s gonna be a difficult moment…that like…it’s really gonna leave a mark…because at home people don’t accept it

 I have gay friends, bi, lesbian friends… 

so at home they might think my friends have….how do we say it?

(had an influence)

Yeah! But hey, whatever, that’s very personal you know?

I don’t think anyone can influence anyone to be…like, to hook up with a woman or a man, you see?

That’s very individual…