
Fundo branco, imagem pixelada de mulher negra, cabelo afro com tranças na cor rosa, semblante neutro, blusa branca. Quadro preto escrito em caixa alta com letras brancas - SUA PRIMEIRA EXPERIENCIA - Logo abaixo o vídeo com acessibilidade em Libras. Fundo branco, mulher branca, blusa preta, cabelo amarrado, sinalizando.

My first experience with social media I think I was between 11 and 13 with Orkut, I’m not so sure, I know it was that fever right? There were those communities, testimonials and all – at that time there was already all that pressure, right, for you to post a nice photo. At the time I didn’t care much about the number of likes, but somehow I knew that my photos weren’t as  pretty as that standard that I saw, like, on social media.