
Fundo branco, imagem pixelada de mulher branca, cabelos no ombro, semblante neutro, trajando cropped e preto e uma blusa segunda pele preta.
Fundo escuro com folhagem, mulher branca, cabelo curto castanho, semblante neutro, olhando diretamente para a câmera, segurando uma grande planta Jiboia verde em frente ao corpo.

It’s like, we have lived a little, we have, just a little. But that doesn’t mean that we feel less…or…like…so different. Information, globalization, social media. The flow of information that we have today is much more that what you used to have. We can search on Google or Wikipedia: “What is an abusive relationship?” and we will know. If we want, like, “ways to kill yourself”, we can get that too.